Privacy Policy

This document sets out:

  • The types of information we collect about you
  • How we collect and use it
  • Who we might share it with
  • The steps we'll take to make sure it stays private and secure
  • Your rights to your information.

More information
If you require further information please contact us directly by email:

You can choose to opt out of any communications we might have with you at any time by sending an email to: We will ensure that you receive no further communications from us and delete your personal data.

Who we are

We are Supaman Limited the 'data controller' for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation. This means we are responsible for deciding how we can use your information.

Your Data

The information we collect
We collect information about you by various means including:

  • Directly from you
  • From the organisation you work for
  • When we generate it ourselves
  • From other organisations who we are working with in partnership

We'll only collect your information in line with relevant regulations and law and this may relate to any of our products or services you apply for, currently hold or have held in the past.

For the most part the personal data we hold is limited to:

  • Your name
  • The organisation you work for
  • Your email address
  • Contact phone numbers
  • Address
  • Products and services, we are supplying to you or your organisation
  • Communication preferences

How we'll use your data
We'll use personal information:

  • To confirm your identity and address
  • To inform you of product or service status
  • To understand how you use your accounts
  • To carry out your instructions
  • To improve our products and services
  • To offer you other services we believe may benefit you unless you ask us not to

We'll only use your information where we're allowed to by law e.g. carrying out an agreement we have with you, fulfilling a legal obligation because we have a legitimate business interest or where you agree to it.

We occasionally reach out to our customers but keep email intrusion to a minimum. Our website provides up to date information about the Company, its services and projects.

We will not share your data for marketing purposes with any third parties.

Third Party Data Processors
We may share your information with other Software as a Service (SaaS) providers that we work in partnership with to enable us to store and manage data and communicate with you more effectively. In all cases, these companies take the security of the data entrusted to them by us very seriously and comply with the GDPR. Supaman Limited will only use third party data processors who are GDPR compliant. Further information can be obtained from our Data Controller.

The above excludes text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.

How long will we keep your information?
We'll keep your information for as long as you have a relationship with us. After it ends we'll keep it where we may need it for our legitimate purposes e.g. to help us respond to queries or complaints, or for other reasons e.g. fighting fraud and financial crime and responding to requests from regulators, such as HMRC for accounting purposes.

How do we use your data?
The website uses cookies to help keep track of items you put into your shopping cart including when you have abandoned your cart and this information is used to determine when to send cart reminder messages via SMS.

Your rights

You have a number of rights relating to your personal data:

  • To see what we hold
  • To ask us to share it with another party
  • To ask us to update incorrect or incomplete details
  • To object to or restrict processing of it
  • To make a complaint
  • To opt out and have your data deleted


In order to offer you Klarna’s payment methods, we might in the checkout pass your personal data in the form of contact and order details to Klarna, in order for Klarna to assess whether you qualify for their payment methods and to tailor those payment methods for you. Your personal data transferred is processed in line with Klarna’s own privacy notice.